Thursday, October 30, 2014

Quicksort Inplace algorithm in C

Quicksort algorithm is an efficient (based on asymptotic complexity) algorithm for sorting. Some of the leading languages uses quicksort as its algorithm for sorting in their native libraries. In worse case it has BigO of n^2 and in average case it has a BigO of n log n.

Asymptotic Complexity
SomethingTime ComplexitySpace Complexity
Worst Case PerformanceO (n^2)
Best Case PerformanceO (n log n)
Average Case PerformanceO(n log n)
Worst Case space Complexity
O (log n) (for in-place)

There are implementations of Quicksort algorithm using new new array creation and thereby does a bad job with regard to space complexity. Here is an inplace quicksort algorithm implementation in C. If you are interested in the implementation in python please click the following link: Python implementation of inplace quicksort

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