Saturday, November 22, 2014

Pursuit towards finding equations and algorithms for happiness

A simple algorithm for improving your happiness index ?  Is there any such proven formula ? Because if you carefully notice, one or the other way everyone pursue what brings happiness to them. May be its different for different people at different occasions, but truth is we follow what we regard as happiness. Humans and Animals live that way and the only difference in humans is that he or she is having more perseverance than most other Animals when happiness is pursued. In Animals its most of the time instantaneous. So how smart is it to think about generic equations and algorithms which can save the world ?

Some people call that perseverance you follow as your ego or some times its treated as greed and sometimes its a  pursuit towards once objectives or relentless pursuit towards desires. But reality is you are following what you think will make you  happy and every one does. That's when I stumbled upon this strange equation.

Now lets see what is the ingredient of happiness thru this equation.

 Happiness Index = No of desires fulfilled / No of desires pursued.

This one I noted down from a a book Self-Unfoldment by Chinmaya publications, and the book is quoting from vedanta which is a pre-historic Hindu  religious ideology of thought. The immediate thing I wanted to do was to find out the math in this equation and to find out if there is a scope for algorithmic treatment to this equation.Does looping this equation under a loop algorithm create lot of happiness ?. Does this could be made scale-able or is it good enough to try a iterative approach to make it contagious to make everyone happy.

Lets examine the boundary cases by giving numerator and denominator with values as infinity, zero, positive - negative numbers etc.

Case One: Numerator(positive\negative number) Denominator (positive\negative number): Lets examine the normal case for most of the individuals. This will be some positive or negative  number at Numerator and Denominator. Your happiness will be more if the numerator in the above equation increases . If the denominator decreases then too the happiness index increases.

Case Two: Numerator(zero) Denominator (positive\negative number): If the numerator is zero and denominator is non zero number, again your happiness will be zero. So its important that you try to create some value to be seen in the numerator and that could become the basis of your happiness if  you are not able to achieve infinite happiness(like explained below)

Case Three : Numerator( positive\negative number ) and Denominator (zero) : Denominator becoming zero is also a problem since division by zero ( is undefined and your happiness will also be undefined.

 But this case seem to be curious to me that I tried to further drill down . Because my conscience was not allowing me to think that if I don't have a desire to pursue why cannot I be happy. For example if you see animals, animals had got enough rational thought to pursue a desire per se, rather there response is always instantaneous not to be treated as a desire, but still animals show moods of happiness and sadness. But if you check division by zero the calculus way, you could see that it seems possible to define a/0 by considering the limit of a/b as b approaches 0. :

This means, say if b is approaching to zero from positive number side then the answer could be treated as positive infinity. Meaning if you are in a state where your desires pursued are approaching zero but not zero then you will have this happiness index of positive infinity. I don't know yet to correlate positive infinity to something which someone have experienced, but it seems very intriguing to know. Is it something so sublime or is it the enlightenment Or is it the real heaven ?. Buddhist believe that Gautham Buddha had enlightenment. He was a prince and he decided to pursue a life without desires after enlightenment at  Bhod Gaya.

Now if the b was approaching to zero from the negative number side then the answer could be treated as negative infinity. What does negative value of not having a desire to pursue mean ? Is that pursuing others  not pursue any desire or is it a state where it needs lot of energy to have desires ? But moving from such a state to "zero desires to pursue" results in negative infinity. What does that correlate to ? Is this "hell"  ?

Case Four : Numerator( zero ) and Denominator (zero) : Again a undefined case. But it seems this case if often termed as infinity. Does that mean the happiness index will stand at a point where ones happiness is always infinite. Now in this case as above there is no scope of positive or negative infinity, does that mean this is the safest route to pursue happiness without having the risk of falling into negative or positive infinity (by whatever good or bad definitions positive or negative infinity translate too)

Anyway applying deterministic equations and algorithms to discrete science and thoughts is always intriguing and pure fun.

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